Current Site Adapted, Maintained & Hosted by DTKM from the Original “Methwold On The Net” site by Colin Marsland

Through the pages on this site we hope to provide information for locals and visitors alike whilst serving as a base to build greater community links and networking

We hope you enjoy browsing the site and that you will return time and time again as it evolves

Please feel free to contact us should you require any further information, have any comments regarding the present site or improvements you can suggest and would like to see

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Sponsored in 2011 by:  METHWOLD  COMMUNITY ACTION  GROUP The parish Web-Site of Methwold, Thetford, Norfolk UK DTKM

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Safer Neighbourhoods Project

       Over the past 12 months Neighbourhood Watch has been evolving into Home Watch the difference being that individual home owners can register with the Norfolk Safer Neighbourhood Teams Web-site and receive up to date information about crime in their immediate area.  The idea is to forewarn householders and give them a chance to protect their property.  In the past six months the quick actions of two residents of the village led to the arrest and prosecution of a door-to-door rogue caller.

       Hand in hand with that development The Safer Neighbourhoods Teams of Norfolk Police have been building up relationships with local organisations, agencies and councils to improve communication and their knowledge of each specific area.  A dedicated Community Police Support Officer has been assigned to every village to further strengthen local knowledge and intelligence. Monthly meetings are held which can be attended by members of the public where they can put forwards any worries they have and help to decide on priorities. The web-site regularly puts out information regarding current policing priorities and news on their progress.

To register for information and alerts go to the Safer Neighbourhood web-site :-

Saferneighbourhoods Web-Site

For further information contact: Phill Barnes Tel: 01366 727535  email


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